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South Africa General
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Michael Sutton is the reason that I chose to study Architecture
2017 Most Endangered Cultural Heritage Sites in South Africa Announced
6 National Heritage Sites - Commemoration of Nelson Mandela 6 years on
A Brief History of Roads in South Africa - In the Beginning
A Celebration of the Life of Robert Rupert Forsyth
A journey into the rich history of the vandalised Scottish Horse Memorial Kensington
A life synopsis intuited from a single Cabinet Card - Thomas Stork (1872-1953)
A Nation in 66 Places: The National Heritage Sites of South Africa
A New Era Dawns - The first fifteen years of the South African Railways (SAR)
A personal tribute to Marcus Holmes
A post Boer War letter from a Rooinek to a Dutch Girl
A reflection on the South African Real Photo Postcard (RPPC) - 1902 to the 1930's
A Secret Sea Chart Revealed
A Short History of Steel
A short history of the gladius in the Ditsong Museum Collection
A short history of the metrication movement in South Africa
A short history of the whaling industry in South Africa
A Short Masterclass on Boundary Walls
A South African encyclopaedia - A worthy and dated work of reference and a collectable treasure
A South African Prequel to Downton Abbey
A visit to the South African Airways Museum at Rand Airport
Advice on Wooden Floor Restoration
An Unusual 1954 Railway Map of South Africa
Anglo-Boer War sketches, Magic Lanterns and the Lanternist
Anglo-Boer War Stereo Photographs - Produced by Keystone View Company
Anglo-Boer War Stereo Photographs Produced by B.W. Kilburn & Co
Anglo-Boer War - Stereo Photographs produced by Underwood & Underwood
Arthur Edward Green - Soldier, hunter, engineer, traveller & amateur photographer
Before there were roads - The journey from Port Elizabeth to Kuruman
Behind the Lens - 50 plus German-born photographers active in South Africa between 1846 and 1915
Birth of the South African Air Force
Blockhouses of the South African War
Blood Sweat and Beers - The Story of the Railway Navvy
Bookplates of Historical Note
Botched South African amateur snapshots (1920s - 1940s)
Café Bibles: Contemporary Photographic Africana - Photo-stories / Fotoverhale (1950s to 1980s)
Cape Town Photographs by TP and TD Ravenscroft
Carruthers and Frescura receive highest honour in the heritage community
Celebrating the remarkable life of Herbert Prins
Celebrating women in maritime archaeology
Changes to SA's tentative world heritage list - Government and stakeholders respond
Chappies, a Joburg creation
Checklist for Heritage Warriors
Clive Chipkin - ‘No coherence!’
Clive Chipkin pays tribute to Robin Fee
Confessions of a Collector of Heritage Maps
Corrugated Irony - A Short History of the Tin Roof
Crack Trains of South Africa - Then and Now
David Stewart Howie - Anglo-Boer War Correspondent and Amateur Photographer
Death by drowning, the tragedy of the SS Mendi
DocuFest Africa - Showcasing rare and unusual images of life in South Africa during Apartheid
Dr Willem Henri Jacobus Punt: South African Heritage Pioneer (26/04/1900 - 22/05/1981)
Early 20th Century Asylum photography in South Africa
Early Ethno-Photography and the Picture Postcard - A South African perspective
Editing Our Past
Electrification of Railways - Battle of the Systems
Endangered Heritage Sites 2017 - Longlist Announced
Endangered Heritage Sites Update - April 2017
Enigmatic pre-1875 South African Carte de Visite Hand-Colourists
Ex Libris - Rediscovering Bookplates
Exceptional collection of Africana goes on auction
Explorer William Burchell – ecologist with a vision
Extraordinary Guide to South and East Africa on the eve of World War I
Five Lost Seven Remain: The Carnegie Libraries of South Africa
Following in Burchell's tracks
Forbidden Images (1960s to 1980s) - Illegal photographs captured by young men conscripted into the South African Military
Forty Years Later... SAS Protea and the Kaiyo Maru
Four strategies to deal with colonial buildings
Frescura, with good reason, suggests that conservation in South Africa is a disaster
From Drawing Boards to Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Gandhi - Inclusive Icon or Sectarian Symbol
George Pauling - Leading railway contractor in the development of Southern Africa
George Washington Wilson - The man, The Company and The Photographers
Giuseppe Maniscalco's long walk from Ethiopia to South Africa
Gordon Verhoef & Krause - Adverts over the years
Great Mechanical Engineers of the South African Railways & Harbours (Part 1)
Great Mechanical Engineers of the South African Railways & Harbours (Part 2)
Hard Rock Mining in South Africa - The Cornish Connection
Henri Ferdinand Gros - Pretoria’s first permanently based photographer, 1875 to 1890
Heritage Excursions that Inspire
Heritage Management Plans: A call for re-evaluation
Heritage Processes in South Africa - Frequently asked questions
Historical Conservation in South Africa - An Unmitigated Disaster?
History of the SAR&H Magazine from 1905 to 1930
Home Straight for Massive ANC Archives Digitization Project
Honouring the 'Father of Nguni Literature'
Hunter and hunted photographed - Early South African hunting photographs (1860s to 1910)
Is it still worth planning?
Jan Christian Smuts 1870 - 1950
JC Munro - Pretoria's longest serving photographer during the turn of the 20th century
Latent South African Visual History - Magic lantern slides
Leadership and the role SAHRA can play to facilitate connectivity with and between museums
Lessons from my mentor, Steffen Ahrends
Lest We Forget - The case for the documentation of missionary education heritage in South Africa
Let’s Play - South African children photographed with their Victorian & Edwardian toys
Life as a POW - May 1941-45 (Epilogue)
Limit State Design of Buildings and the Preservation Engineer
List of Mission Stations in South Africa
Making The Grade - Observations on the Grading of Archaeological and Palaeontological Heritage Sites
MaSisulu, one of Jozi's most famous
Mervyn King - man who sets the rules
Michael Sutton - A hero became a friend
Michael Sutton - Brilliant architect who designed masterpieces in South Africa and Greece
Millbank - The Closest Historic Mill to Johannesburg
Mining Headgears - Pure Functionality Ruling over Beauty
Model of 'U-96' donated to the Ditsong National Museum of Military History
Mystery photographs of two forgotten Salvation Army jamborees in South Africa
New publication highlights Africa’s remarkable geology
No other building materials have advanced the built environment as much as steel and concrete
Old Images of South Africa's Town Halls
Old National Monument Badges and Plaques Under Threat
On the lighter side - Some funny and peculiar South African vintage photographs
One of the earliest and most important items of South African Railway History goes on sale
One of the most remarkable fortification-building projects in the military history of South Africa (if not the world)
Operators of “Mirrors with Memory” South African Photographers (1846 to 1915)
Our endangered heritage: a national survey
Our Huguenot Heritage
Our vanishing heritage – South Africa’s top ten endangered sites 2016
Passionate about tennis - A South African photo album of historical significance (1909 - 1913)
Peers the Artist - In search of Charles Ernest Peers (Part 2)
Pestilences of the skin – horrible infections, ailments and occupational hazards circa 1927
Planners, Protectors and Predators: Public Trust and the tension between Heritage and Planning laws
Pogonology: South African men and their facial hair - As portrayed in photographs from the Victorian era
Postmortem Photography in South Africa
Probably the earliest record of Ndebele wall decoration I have discovered to date
Racing in the shadows of mine dumps: Black African cycle sport on South Africa's gold mines in the apartheid era
Raid, Rhodes, Railways, Rinderpest, Rebellion and Ruin
Railway Modelling, a hobby that lasts a lifetime
Railways at War
Railways from War's End to Union (1902-1910)
Railways in the Rainbow Nation, thoughts on SONA 2019
Rapid Rail Revamp in South Africa
Raw material for the study of the transition from Boer administration to colonial British management
Red Beret, Red Cross, Red Star - The remarkable story of Lippy Kessel
Rediscovering the 1947 Royal Visit to South Africa
Reflections on the end of World War I and the impact of war
Renewed efforts to set Blue Plaque criteria?
Response to “Heritage house owners should be compensated by a property tax cut”
Restoring Queen Victoria - A glimpse into the life of a Conservation Technician
Robert Sobukwe - The shaping of an Africanist at Fort Hare
Rousing Interest among the Young
SA removes sites from the UNESCO world heritage tentative list
Saintly Sights - Pre 1900s Missionary Photography in South Africa - An Interview
Sir William Hoy (1868-1930) - His life beyond Hermanus
Sit! Stay! More than a century ago - South African pet canines in front of the lens
Six Photographs - 103 Prisoners of War: Some Anglo-Boer War Prisoners of War photographed
Snapshot Photography - Automobiles photographed in South Africa from the 1920s to 1960s
Sol Plaatje - Cycling into South African History
South Africa is an ideal destination for heritage railway tourism
South Africa mourns a heritage champion
South African Railways – the years of transition from steam
South African “Cartomania” - a photographic phenomenon
South Africa’s most unlikely export
South Africa’s Oldest Bank - An epic photographic journey
Southern Africa from above: Aerial Photography – A historical overview
Spanish Train and Other Stories - Some thoughts on the AFRO 4000 Saga
Stereo Photography - Mesmerising viewers since 1851
Streaks of Rust Across the Veld - The Demise of the Branch Lines
Taking care of the family silver...
TD Ravenscroft and his photography
Ten South African based German Missionaries Photographed
The 1913 Land Act
The Amnesia on the Commemoration of African Women in the South African War
The Big Fiery Giant - The Story of the Beyer-Garratt Locomotive
The Bird Calendar 1940-2020 - A short history, including a question and a real-life mystery
The Brass Bell of the SS Mendi has been returned
The Cape to Cairo Railway Dream
The contested but pivotal legacy of missionary education in South Africa
The Eccentric Engineer
The elevator gives the skyscraper a lift
The English Language in South Africa
The first printed map of South Africa - The Martin Waldseemüller map
The Heritage Portal in Numbers (December 2020)
The Heritage Portal in numbers (October 2019)
The Indian War Memorial: National Memory and Selective Forgetting
The Kodak Girl - South African Film Wallets (1910s to 1960s)
The man behind one of South Africa's largest private photographic collections - Q&A with Carol Hardijzer
The Management and Conservation of Heritage Objects housed in State Departments or Supported bodies
The Nedbank Historical Collective - Exploring the oldest collective financial institution in South Africa - Part 1
The Nedbank Historical Collective - Exploring the oldest collective financial institution in South Africa - Part 2
The Power of Rust
The remarkable life of Charlotte Maxeke
The Royal Tour of 1901
The Scheffel Bogie and the Rail Gauge
The South African Victorian photo album (early 1860s into the early 1900s)
The student’s guide to studying heritage in South Africa
The system has failed to achieve its purpose
The Tickey – a legendary South African Coin
The traditional ‘two minutes silence in remembrance’ was first observed in Cape Town
Tintypes - The poor man’s photograph
Top Heritage Award for Dr Roger Fisher
Travelling along our National Roads
Travelling to South Africa via the Union Castle Line
Tribute to Karel Bakker
Types of Blockhouses in South Africa
Unacclaimed South African Railway Photographers (1894 -1940)
Unique Photographs from the Boer War
War Memorials in Banks and Companies
Was there life before Metrication?
What is the meaning of heritage?
What's printed on your frog? Treasured heritage from the brickfields of John Johnston Kirkness
When the Lions Roared in 1974
Where to from here... 20 Years of the National Heritage Resources Act
Why do South Africans drive on the left?
Why Existing Heritage Legislation Is Ineffective - An Issue of a Total Lack of Effective Enforcement & Structure
Why protect a town or city's heritage?
Why we should observe Remembrance Day in South Africa
Winnie's pain and torture in prison
Wits University Gold Medal awarded to Herbert Prins
World Heritage Committee concerned about climate change
“In Memoriam” - Significance of the photograph during the mourning process