Twin Mosia has been recognised for his outstanding contribution to the heritage sector by the National Heritage Council and the Heritage Association of South Africa.
National Heritage Council
It was indeed fulfilling for the National Heritage Council to welcome you on the 23rd of September 2016 in which the Champions of the South African heritage were being acknowledged and appreciated. Your presence was a value-add to this significant programme. This letter serves a symbolic gesture, by the NHC, of appreciation and to formally congratulate you for being declared the winner of the ‘Young Heritage Activist’ category. The NHC will continue to work closely with you in its endeavour to successfully manage the South African heritage for the benefit of the current and future generations. The NHC humbly requests that you provide us with your banking details for the purpose of transferring the winning prize as soon as possible. We hope that this request will receive your favourable attention and that we will have a good and long working relationship.
Heritage Association of South Africa
The Association has awarded the Gold Medal Award to TWIN MOSIA for his outstanding contribution to the heritage of South Africa, especially as an ambassador for reconciliation and unity through the creation of public awareness about the South African War as a shared history of all South Africans.
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