In a 2003 article published in the South African Journal of Cultural History (click here to view), Bakker, De Jong and Matlou provide details of the significance of the 'Mamelodi rondavels':
The 'Mamelodi rondavels' have recently been investigated as part of a Municipal ecotourism project to determine their heritage value and conservation potential. The retention of the heritage place, defined by a small group of rondavel style buildings, is important because it exists as significant visual local remnant of the history of Bantu Education and the subsequent struggle for a non-discriminatory, non-racial society. The rondavel complex, the historical core of the now defunct Pretoria Bantu Normal College [1947-] and the Kolege ya bana ba Afrika, is specifically associated with the tertiary education of celebrated citizens in South African history. The Mamelodi rondavels are not only the oldest known buildings in Mamelodi, but they may also be understood as symbols of Apartheid, its accompanying education ideology and, from an architectural and town planning perspective, its accompanying town planning ideology. This heritage place serves as an important scenic and cultural historical landmark for Mamelodi, Tshwane and the country.
Millions of rands have been spent during several renovation projects but alas there is nothing to show for this. The rondavels have been vandalised, neglected, used by drug users and largely destroyed by fire (July 2018). Please use this thread to add background and updates.
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