There is still a working church and working cemetery but this is all that is left of the village laid out in 1850 to accommodate the Haidee Settlers from Yorkshire. Other very early British settlers also moved into the district to farm and set up local industry for the Natal Colony. They were hard working and produced much needed food for the Colony. Their offspring on the whole continued the tradition but also became leaders in Natal and in the wider South Africa. Many gave their lives in the two World Wars. The cemetery has great significance to family historians - the grave stones are deteriorating historic ‘documents’.
The establishment of York was very important but much of its history is being lost as the older generations die. The generation that has cared for both cemeteries are aged. When they are no longer able or have passed on the grass will grow high and nobody will be able to safely visit. It is in a forested area so in some way protected from vandals so has a chance.
Extracts from the nomination form for the 2016 endangered heritage campaign.
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