The declaration notice (as a National Monument under older legislation - today a Provincial Heritage Site) states that: "Both the Administration Building, which was the first building of the Potchefstroom College of Agriculture to be erected and which was occupied in 1907, and the Selborne Hall in which the Africander Cattle Breeders' Society was established in 1912, are closely associated with the history of agriculture in South Africa."
The buildings have been standing empty since approximately 1983. They have become extremely derelict. In the Selborne Hall all iron fittings have been stolen. Most windows are broken and birds have nested in the building. Floor boards have become rotten.
Despite Heritage Potchefstroom making numerous enquiries to various authorities to urge that the buildings be restored, no answer was received. Both buildings are structurally sound and can be restored.
The entrance to the Agricultural College is in Chris Hani Avenue, Potchefstroom
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