Monday, May 27, 2024 - 00:00

Please join us for our next meeting which we sure you will find very interesting:
Date: Monday 27th May 2024 at 7.30pm     
Venue: St. James Retirement Hotel Library
Speaker: Gerald Rosenthal

Gerald Rosenthal is a professional civil engineer who was directly involved in the Marina project from the start of construction. He will place these two, now historic, promotional films in context and then screen them.

IMPORTANT: A limited print run of Bulletin 23 with the talks of 2019-20 (Spanish Flu, Sandvlei - Marina da Gama and Ladan Road) will be on sale at R100 (cash only).

Guests are very welcome and pay R20 at the door (cash only and if possible change!) All are welcome to join us for tea/coffee and biscuits after the talk.

Steve Herbert - Secretary Kalk Bay Historical Association - kalkbayhist@gmail.com

Events Exhibitions Tours
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - 19:06

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