Friday, March 3, 2017 - 00:00
This notice serves to inform Interested and Affected Parties that a Heritage Impact Assessment is being prepared for Erven R/197, R.1289, 1/1289, 2/1289 and 3/1289 (situated at 245 and 249 Main Street and 183A, 183B and 183C Rautenbach Avenue), Waterkloof, Pretoria, City of Tshwane. Any Interested or Affected party who wishes to comment on this is invited to do so in writing to the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority of Gauteng (PHRAG) at Private Bag X 33, Johannesburg 2000 or e mail: Tebogo.Molokomme@gauteng.gov.za (please cc leoniembotes@gmail.com) Closing date for comments: 3 March 2017.
Public Participation
Town Planning
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 16:09
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