On 16 July 2016 PHRA-G approved an application for ‘Total Demolition’ for a structure subject to an appeal period of 14 days. 75 days letter the applicant received an email from PHRA-G “to halt the demolitions until the end of the appeal process”.
The appeal hearing will take place on 26 October 2016. No directions and agenda have been sent to the applicant which does not give him time to prepare for the appeal. Is this acceptable?
I enclose the permit and email from PHRA-G and for professional reasons names and place have been deleted. Comments from readers will be appreciated.
It should mentioned here that the financial domino effect of such action by PHRA-G is enormous, the demolition contractor may institute a claim for breach of contract, architect and quantity surveyor is placed on hold, the developer arranged with the client an occupation date, etc, etc.
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