Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 00:00

The historic oak avenue of Potchefstroom may have a future. That was the conclusion after the meeting held on Wednesday 15 February to discuss to plight and the state of the trees. The meeting was called by Heritage Potchefstroom Erfenis after numerous concerns and complaints were received by concerned residents and reports to this effect appeared in the Potchefstroom Herald.

Prof Sarel Cilliers, urban ecologist, gave a rundown on the state of the trees, previous research and plans that were made for the preservation of the trees. These research findings were published as far back as 1995.

Recent feverish building activity on the Bult area has heightened fears that the trees might be in greater danger than previously thought. As a community project Forensic Accountancy students last week had a look at the trees, counted them and found that about 61% of the trees seems to be healthy. The rest of the trees, in their opinion, were either removed, are dying or are already dead.

Lennie Gouws gave an historic background and sketched the plans the Heritage Potchefstroom Erfenis proposes.

All speakers agreed that the future of the trees depends on community involvement on all levels. Property owners with trees on their pavements, tenants who occupy these premises, businesses, professionals, academics, heritage practitioners, concerned organisations and individuals and the city council should work together.

A meeting during which the implementation of proposed plans will be discussed will take place on Thursday 23 February at 18:00 in the Main Museum in Sol Plaatjes Avenue.

Anybody who would like to join this community project can contact Lennie Gouws at 083 423 0394 to confirm their attendance.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 16:59

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