Notice of granting of environmental authorisation for the development of portion 4 of holding 67 and holding 68 Morningside Agricultural Holldings Johannesburg. Notice is given in terms of Regulation 10(2) of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2010 and in terms of Regulation 4(2) of the EIA Regulations, 2014 of the National Environmental Management Act (No. 107 of 1998) that the HOD for the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has granted environmental authorisation to the Bernard Glazer Will Trust on 12 October 2015 for the development of residential units and a boutique hotel, including bulk and internal services, situated on a Portion 4 of Holding 67 and Holding 68 Morningside Agricultural Holdings, located east of East Road, north of Mellor Road and on the western side of the Sandspruit, Johannesburg. (Gaut 002/14-15/E0026)
Parties wishing to formally appeal against this decision, must comply with the requirements of Chapter 2 of the National Appeal Regulations 2014 and must submit an appeal to the Administrator within 20 days of the date of this notice. A copy of the Environmental Authorisation is attached or available from Seaton Thomson and Associates Fax (012) 667-2109, or email seaton@yebo.co.za or post P O Box 936, IRENE 0062. Queries can be made to the same contacts or telephone (012) 667 2107.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.
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