Sunday, June 23, 2024 - 00:00

We’re very pleased that Prof Kathy Munro of the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation will be giving another talk at our upcoming Open Garden at Shepstone Gardens at 12 o’clock at the Tea Garden. Kathy will zoom in on the history of Orange Grove, with its iconic hotel, a hidden city waterfall and a popular picnic spot. Catch a flavour of the suburb as it evolved over a century.

In the early days of Orange Grove, dairy cows grazed on the mountainside. We explore the origins of the streets, the architecture, homes and businesses of the suburb. Who were the people who made the suburb? Why did the Italian immigrant community settle here? 

It’s a suburb that boasted three cinemas and the Orange Grove Hotel in its heyday was a vibrant social hub for wining, dining and dancing to the Dan Hill orchestra... It has evaporated, but take a closer look and some shadows and echoes of old Orange Grove remain .

  • Sunday 23 June at 12h00
  • R50 payable at the gate – credit card facilities
  • Free entry for children under 12
  • Shepstone Gardens, 12 Hope Rd, Mountain View
Events Exhibitions Tours
Monday, June 17, 2024 - 18:52

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