The colloquium will address a hypothetical question, “Do graves of the victims of conflict become less significant once they pass beyond the reach of living memory to the realm of archaeology?
The two day colloquium will be arranged to interrogate this question and will countenance inputs on the subject. A constellation of actors in the relevant heritage policy implementation network will be invited to the colloquium, and engage with the inputs provided.
The intended outcome of the colloquium will be to seek to map out a clear research agenda on the subject with the hope that inquiries of that nature will eventually shape the direction of policy in the Province and by implication in the entire country. To this extent, a panel of heritage managers and academics will be selected to collate and consolidate what they regard as areas of research that will have to be pursued going forward on the subject.
- Date: Tuesday & Wednesday, 09 & 10 October 2018
- Time: 08h00 - 16h00
- Venue: Winston Churchill (Pietermaritzburg – Scottsville)
- RSVP: Masuku Siphephile - 033 328 1817 |082 886 3821 |
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