We need the eyes and ears of our fellow residents to report illegal land use: zoning, additions, alterations, building development, illegal signage or outdoor advertising. If you are not sure if it is legal or illegal, please report it so that it can be investigated.
A single Law Enforcement Unit has been established by the City of Johannesbrug with the intention of creating a single point of contact for the public to report matters.
The complaint or query must be reported to complaintsple@joburg.org.za
Copy the following people in your mail:
- Theodora Mdolomba (who is responsible for region B) TheodoraMd@joburg.org.za Office 011 407 6040.
- Complaints Manager: Lesego Mogase LesegoM@joburg.org.za Office 011407 6969
Each reported complaint must include the following information:
- Street Address (number)
- Township. (Suburb)
- Erven/Stand number (If available)
- Nature of complaint reported. (as much detail possible)
- Your name and Surname
- Contact details
- Emails address
Issued by the Brixton Community Forum
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