Friday, September 29, 2017 - 00:00

Each year AWHF provide conservation grants to African State Parties to implement projects and activities which focus on improving the State of Conservation of World Heritage properties. Click here for all the details.

The deadline for submission - 12.00 pm (CAT) on 29th September 2017. 

All applicants shall be notified of the outcome by 30th June 2018. For further information please contact: African World Heritage Fund 1258 Lever Road, Headway Hill, Midrand 1685 South Africa, Tel: +27 11 313 3061, Email: info@awhf.net

The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) is an intergovernmental organization created in 2006 to support the effective conservation and protection of cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value in Africa. The main objective of the AWHF is to address the challenges faced by African State Parties in the implementation of the 1972 Convention, specifically, the underrepresentation of African sites on the World Heritage List and the insufficient conservation and management of these sites. For more information about the activities of AWHF follow this link: http://www.awhf.net 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - 13:23

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