Church of Christ the King Blue Plaque - Heritage Portal - 2012

So little money was available for its construction in 1933 that Architect F.L.H. Flemming called it a "Holy Barn". The bell tower was added in 1936 and has been a landmark ever since. In 1940 Father Trevor Huddleston, an outspoken opponent of apartheid, was appointed Rector, and the Church became an icon of the liberation struggle. In 1955, during the forced removals, Huddleston was recalled to England. Once the congregation left the area, the Church was deconsecrated and sold. The site was reconsecrated as an Anglican Church in 1997. Bishop Huddleston's ashes are interned here at his request.

Plaque Address: 

41-49 Ray Street, Sophiatown

Plaque Organisation: 

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