Blue Plaque 23 Heidelberg Heritage Association - 60 vd Westhuizen Street

According to the book “Die geskiedenis van Heidelberg” this property belonged to Mr William St Clair McLaren (1843-1889). He came to Heidelberg in 1871, opening a shop with Mr John Pagan (1844-1917), in opposition to Mr Heinrich Ueckermann (1827-1883). He also speculated on buying and selling of property. William became the richest man in Heidelberg. His house and shop was situated behind the Klipkerk on the corner of Ueckermann and Begeman Streets. During the 1st Anglo Boer War he was allowed to hold the British Officers captured by the Boers as his guests, on condition that they promised not to escape, which they honoured.

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Plaque Address: 

60 Van Der Westhuizen Street, Heidelberg

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