This conference will reveal and explore what these levers are, how they can be exercised, and the impact they can have on our future and the future of our Cities, Towns and Villages. The more we look around the world, in rich, poor, or in-between countries, the more we see the increasing economic, social and cultural influence of architects and urbanists.
Ndabo Langa designs a jazz club that reignites live music in Durban's inner city. Alejandro Aravena influences government housing policy in Chile. With durability and beauty, Francis Kere debunks the idea that mud isn't good enough for great schools in Burkina Faso. Jeremy Steere turns a police station from a bunker into a street veranda in Eshowe, and with it the image of the local police. A new breed of young developer uses architecture and urbanism to revitalise major parts of Johannesburg and now Durban, and in so doing becomes a top sector performer.
No matter which indicators you chose, here in South Africa it's clear that there is urgent need of ideas that work.
- Ideas that transform current realities into new ones, which kick start serious economic, social and cultural ignition.
- Ideas that make sense to a broad range of key public and private sector decision makers.
- Ideas that are tested and proven in countries with very similar realities to ours.
- Ideas that open the door to a future you want to help construct and benefit from.
- A future that recognises your skills, needs your services, values your contribution.
- A future you want to be a part of.
In support of the newly defined mission of the SAIA KZN this year, the conference will focus on the capacity of the City itself to enable radical transformation of our national economic, social and cultural condition and trajectory
Our observation is that if political and economic policy alone was going to achieve this, the signs would be there.. They aren't – our economy continues to slow, joblessness increases and poverty deepens.
We believe that a principal reason is spatial..
The economically most successful and sustainable Cities are those with the highest densities, greatest diversity, most connectivity and best public space.
The conference will focus on the need for and benefits of what might be called a
'national spatial revolution'.
It's time for change in this direction. This conference will focus on exactly how.
Venue : Durban City Hall
08TH JULY 2016
One day conference - 4 consecutive sessions – posing questions, inputs and ideas, keynotes, interactive session, reflective session.
For any conference related enquiries, please contact Kubashni Nair on (031) 201 7590 / wedesign2016@kznia.org.za
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