Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 00:00
South African Historical Journal, Volume 70, Issue 1, 2018 is a special issue on 'The Politics of Armed Struggle in Southern Africa'. Click here to view online. Here is a quick list of the article:
Arianna Lissoni
- Introductory Note to “South Africa and the Turn to Armed Resistance” by Mac Maharaj and Z. Pallo Jordan
- South Africa and the Turn to Armed Resistance Z.|Pallo Jordan & Mac Maharaj
- Umkhonto We Sizwe: A Critical Analysis of the Armed Struggle of the African National Congress | Dale T. McKinley
- Operation Zikomo: The Armed Struggle, the Underground and Mass Mobilisation in South Africa’s Border Region, 1986-1990, through the Experiences of MK Cadres | Patrick Mangashe
- Nkrumah’s Ghana and the Armed Struggle in Southern Africa (1961–1966) | Matteo Grilli
- The Pan Africanist Congress and the Congo Alliance, 1963–1964 | Lazlo Passemiers
- Bechuanaland’s Aerial Pipeline: Intelligence and Counter Intelligence Operations against the South African Liberation Movements, 1960–1965 | Garth Benneyworth
- Chiefs, Terror, and Propaganda: The Motivations of Namibian Loyalists to Fight in South Africa’s Security Forces, 1975–1989 | Lennart Bolliger
- SWAPO, Namibia’s Liberation Struggle and the Organisation of African Unity’s Liberation Committee | Chris Saunders
- We paid a heavy price for hosting them’: Villagers and Freedom Fighters in Mgagao, Tanzania | Arrigo Pallotti
- Nationalism and Internationalism in the Liberation Struggle in Mozambique: The Role of the FRELIMO’s Solidarity Network in Italy | Corrado Tornimbeni
- A ‘Counter-Monument’ to the Liberation Struggle: The Deployment of Struggle Songs in Post-Apartheid South Africa | Retha Langa
- Visual Arts of the Armed Struggle in Southern Africa | Judy Ann Seidman
- Southern African Liberation Struggles 1960–1994: Contemporaneous Documents | Peter Limb
- Namibia's Liberation Struggle: The Mbita Version | Chris Saunders
- Umkhonto we Sizwe: The ANC’s Armed Struggle | Janet Cherry
- Umkhonto we Sizwe: The ANC’s Armed Struggle | Tom Lodge
- The Thabo Mbeki I Know | Vladimir Shubin
- The Aftermath of the Cassinga Massacre: Survivors, Deniers and Injustices | Ian Liebenberg
Sunday, May 20, 2018 - 14:34
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