Friends have arranged an overnight trip to Robben Island to explore and learn about the geology of the island and to gain insight into the history of this world heritage site which has had various roles over time. Dr John Rogers will be our guide. It would be difficult to find a better qualified scientist to tell us about the geology. This is our sixth visit and if it’s only half as good as the first five, those who join us are guaranteed a memorable experience.
You will sleep in jail, the Medium Security Block. Men and women sleep in separate dormitories. There are ample ablution facilities and we are provided with warm bedding – sheets, duvets and pillows. You must, however, bring your own towel.
You will enjoy the unique privilege of walking on the island at night, where the only sounds are the crashing waves in the background and thousands of seagulls who never seem to sleep. During the day you will enjoy a close-up view of the Victorian buildings as well as spectacular views of Cape Town and its surrounds. Our walking tour will include exploring the lime quarry where Madiba and other prisoners worked. We will also go into the cave where political prisoners spent lunch times learning. Should time permit, we will visit the maximum-security block where Madiba was incarcerated which includes visiting his cell. You will also enjoy the congenial company of like-minded people and gain new knowledge.
Even if geology is ‘not your thing’, the mere fact we are allowed to explore the island on foot is reason enough to consider this outing. It really is a very special place. Not many get to enjoy access to the island in this way.
We depart on the Friday afternoon around 15:00. Once on the island you should have enough time for a short walk before dark. There will be a communal bring and braai in the evening with a brief talk by John on the programme and what to expect. It is self-catering so please bring sufficient food for the Friday evening braai and breakfast as well as a picnic lunch on Saturday. You might want to consider paper plates and plastic cutlery to avoid having to wash up.
Saturday will be spent walking to various sites of interest, both geological and historical, with a picnic lunch at Langbaai, before heading back to the harbour for the 16:00 ferry. The trip will end around 17:00.
Cost: Members: R 950 Non members: R 1100
When one considers the cost is inclusive of the ferry, a night’s accommodation, a first-class lecturer as well as the unique privilege of being permitted to walk around on the island, this is a very good deal.
To secure your booking, please respond by email samfriends@iziko.org.za
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