This lavishly illustrated hardcover book of 122 pages describes the archaeology of the burial grounds of Green Point and is based on academic and commercial work done in the broader area over the last 23 years.
Price: R375.00 incl of vat (but excluding local or overseas postage costs).
Orders can be placed through Liesbet via email: Pre-orders have been brisk so act soon to secure your copy.
“This is a book that reveals the history of South Africa’s Mother City – captivating, picturesque, and downright spooky – that rests on the long-forgotten bones of the people who made it....This wonderfully illustrated book describes the processes of discovery, retrieval and possession within an enchanting framework of empathic scholarship.” Carmel Schrire
- Chapter 1: What lies beneath roads, pavements and buildings: the making of Green Point;
- Chapter 2: Disposing of the dead: a history of burials and Green Point;
- Chapter 3: Unmarked burial grounds in Green Point: Cobern Street, Marina Residential, BP Headquarters;
- Chapter 4: Prestwich Street: the discovery that divided;
- Chapter 5: Making sense of what remains: afterlife and the voiceless.
- ORDER NOW - Limited print run.
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