'Old Mac' used to stand outside the Fourth Corner House in Johannesburg. He now stands outside the Project Isizwe offices on Dorp Street Stellenbosch. Does anyone know the full details of his journey?
'Old Mac' (The Heritage Portal)
Fouth Corner House (The Heritage Portal)
An old excerpt from the Project Isizwe website reads as follows:
"Mac started out as a small desk sculpture in the early 1960s. His creators, Madge and George Lang, were commissioned in 1965 to replicate him as a 2.1 metre bronze statue for the deputy chairman of Rand Mines Ltd, Mr P. H. Anderson.
Over the course of 40 years ‘Old Mac’ has been moved several times. ‘Old Mac’ made his latest excursion in April 2014, this time to Stellenbosch, where he now guards over the staff of Project Isizwe at 156 Dorp Street."
Close up of the inscription (The Heritage Portal)
'Old Mac' appears on the front of Cartwright's famous book (photographed by Kathy Munro)
The team at the Barloworld Archives wasn't able to shed any light on the matter. A request has been sent to Project Isizwe but no reply has been received yet. Hopefully someone from the community can assist. Please add a comment below or email jamesball01@gmail.com
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