When the British took control of the Cape they were appalled at the lack of infrastructure. In particular the land route to the east was virtually non-existent and not only made contact for administrative and military purposes slow and inefficient, but held back the development of the economy of the Overberg region and further afield.
Pioneer engineers such as Michell and the Bains conquered the mountains, the driftsands and the rivers and built a road which enabled swift and safe communication and movement of goods. This lecture, fully illustrated, outlines the saga of the road building endeavour.
Former civil engineer Tony Murray has lectured and written extensively on the history of his profession in South Africa. He has delivered five series of popular lectures at UCT Summer School and his book, Megastructures and Masterminds has been a commercial success.
Date: Wednesday 30 May 2018 18h00
Venue: Iziko South African Museum, 25 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town
Cost: Members on presentation of valid 2018 membership card–free of charge Non-members: a donation of R30.00
For more information email - samfriends@iziko.org.za
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