The Free State Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation Museum Services in partnership with Elandskop Museum continued with the International World Museums Day dialogue and celebrations in Mamafubedu, Petrus Steyn. The two day event was held from 06 - 07 June 2018 at Mamafubedu community hall which saw local stakeholders, such as Nketoana Local Municipality, various NPO's, NGO's, Schools & community members of Mamafubedu at large attending.
The theme of the event was in line with the World International Museum Day 2018: "Hyperconnected museums: New approaches, New publics".
On day one the Provicial Museum services focused on the School Outreach programmes where various schools in Mamafubedu were invited. The kids were taught about the importance of museums, heritage, history & careers in museums. This included but was not limited to: The National Anthem, National Orders, Symbols & the recital of preamble of the constitution.
Day two saw the office of the mayor of Nketoana Local Municipality, local schools such as Mamafubedu Public Shcool, Thebe Primary School, Lehlomela Primary School,Kwetlisong Secondary School and Ikaheng Zakheni Secondary School taking part in the event. NPO's & NGO's such as Youth Against Crime, Sex & Drug Abuse (YACSDA), Sello sa Ngoana & Mamafubedu Girls Club supporting the event.
The main event had various speakers on topics such as museums, project intent (Elandskop Museum), Nelson Mandela & Mama Albertina Sisulu Lectures respectively as this formed part of their #100YEARS celebrations. There were also performances for the day and entertainment provided by the schools and the locals.
In closing, Mr Kgotso Tlhapi, deputy director of the provincial museums stressed the importance of having museums and getting the young and old involved:
Museums are vital to communities as not only do they provide a sense of belonging, pride, serve as an institution for learn, open opportunities for the communities but also provides a place where the history and past can be kept safely for future generations.
He further mentioned that the department is proud of the co-founder of the Elandskop Museum in Mamafubedu, Mr. Twin Mosia and all the organisations behind the Elandskop Museum project / initiatives. He further stated that his department will do everything it can to support Elandskop Museum until the museum is fully operational.
Twin Mosia, curator of Elandskop Museum gave the keynote adress and a lecture on Nelson Mandela, his values, legacy and hopes in the new South Africa. As a Reconciliation and Unity Ambassador, Mosia stressed the importance of living the legacy of Nelson Mandela.
Mosia finished with a vite of thanks to all stakeholders:
The Museum also appreciates the department's and provincial government support in our efforts to have a museum in Mamafubedu. This was a huge step towards our objectives and will go further towards our initiative. We are hoping to continue working with the department, local organisations, local stakeholders and the community until we realise our dream. On behalf of Elandskop Museum board of trustees, I would like to thank everyone who made this day a success.
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