During the early 1960s, Doctor Arthur David Bensusan published the first and only record to date of South African based photographers between the period 1846 and 1900. An updated version of this list has not been published for the past 57 years! The author has made it his personal task over the past 25 years in updating the original Bensusan directory of photographers. In doing so, the vast Hardijzer Photographic Research Collection was established. Download the list below.
It is to the South African based photographers listed in the attached directory (plus those inadvertently left out) that we are indebted for the rich visual history left behind.
Much ongoing research is still required on the history of South African photographic history. The spectrum for such research remains near endless – with vast opportunities for post graduate work.
Any additional information on the attached directory will be appreciated. Every little snippet would be of value, such as full names of the photographer or country of birth. The author can be emailed on carol.hardijzer@webmail.co.za should a reader be able to provide any such snippets.
The author intends updating the 2020 version of this directory with 5-year intervals (Deo Volente). He always welcomes any original photographs for addition to this research collection.
Carol Hardijzer
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