Heritage Chronicle SA


I formed a deep passion for heritage and history, specifically in the western region of South Africa, where I live. I am a graphic designer and photographer, and have a tendency to record whatever and wherever I go – I love to travel in my environment. Part of my value system finds it incredibly difficult to deal with the neglect of aspects of heritage importance in the surroundings I encounter. Whether I view an overhang at Elands bay containing innumerable San paintings which have been defaced by graffiti, or colonial structures left to deteriorate by intentional apathy or intent (demolition by neglect, as it is often called), I find it a lack of responsibility by the authorities delegated to protect these resources. In our region, Heritage Western Cape and the South African Heritage Resources Agency are the bodies with powers to institute protection of resources. Yet whilst they might acknowledge receipt of concern about particular sites, they only proceed when an application is made by what is termed a 'recognised heritage professional'. I am the first to accede that every notification cannot be be adequately responded to, but the seemingly complete ignoring of these notices from 'amateurs' despite the fact the National Heritage Resources Act calls for a response. Section 27(3) states: Any person may submit a nomination to SAHRA for a place to be declared a national heritage site or to a provincial heritage resources authority for a place to be declared a provincial heritage site. Many of the photographs on this website depict potential aspects that are not being protected, despite an urgent need for them to be.

Service Area: 
Western Cape

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