APHP is embarking on the next stage in our development as a profession and towards formal recognition and certification. The Exco recognises that, in order to move forward confidently, it is necessary to engage someone, a 'champion', to drive this process in a focused and continuing manner. This person should, we think, be a member of APHP, although this may not be essential.
The input will be paid and not voluntary, though at a relatively low rate and with capped hours since the funds are raised solely (at this stage) from membership fees. The rate and overall budget will be discussed in due course; but we are now calling for Expressions of Interest to gauge the response and availability of potential proponents.
- Having a thorough understanding of the process professionalizing EAPs (Environmental Assessment Practitioners) to date, its status and the way in which APHP/heritage is proposed to fit in with this;
- Liaise with key role players involving Marlene Laros and Richard Hill, inter alia;
- Liaise on a regular basis with Exco and, in due course, with a broader team of heritage professionals;
- Liaise with the heritage authorities.
The first phase being embarked on now is estimated to last six months. Key skills and attributes that may be useful:
- Heritage-related professional experience
- Strategic thinking
- Political awareness and connections
- Experience with institutes and with governmental systems and processes.
Interested persons are invited to write to Exco c/o the Secretary setting out (briefly) a motivation/expression of interest. Suitable candidates will be invited for further discussions in order to confirm the extent of commitment required and remuneration, etc.
Email - info.wcape@aphp.org.za
Please respond in writing by 15 May 2016
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