Friday, April 11, 2025 - 00:00

The owner Jorfri Management Holdings (Pty) Limited intends to demolish the existing houses and corresponding outbuildings on Erf 2173 (formerly Erf 448 and Erf 448) Geduld, Springs. This in order to facilitate parking as required by town planning and land use management.

Any interested or affected party who wishes to comment on this is invited to do so in writing to the Provincial Heritage Resource Authority at;

Private Bag X33

Facsimile: (011) 355-2565
Email: tebogomolokomme@gauteng.gov.za

Closing date for comments: 11 April 2025

Name and address of agent:

J M Campkin-Smith
c/o StudioJoy+ Architects and Heritage Practitioners (Pty) Limited
A: 4 Terrace Road, Mountainview, 2192
C: +27 72 564 7664
E: joy@studiojoy.co.za

Public Participation
Town Planning
Friday, March 7, 2025 - 07:57

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