A talk based on the new book published in March, Troubling Images: Visual Culture and the Politics of Afrikaner Nationalism, Thurs, 13 Aug, 9:30am South African time. This is earlier than usual as one of the speakers, Federico Freschi heads up the College of Art, Design and Architecture at Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand. Federico will be joined by his co-editors, Prof Brenda Schmahmann (University of Johannesburg) and Prof Lize van Robbroeck (University of Stellenbosch).
It is mainly historical but very relevant to now, especially the chapter by Jonathan Jansen, 'It Is Not Even Past’: dealing with monuments and memorials on divided campuses. And Brenda's chapter, Knocking Jannie off his Pedestal: two creative interventions to the sculpture of J H Marais at Stellenbosch University.
You don't need to read the book beforehand but I recommend getting it, especially from independent book shops, R495 at the Book Lounge and Clarkes in Cape Town - you can order online and they deliver, sometimes free locally.
To book and get Zoom login details, please email me kate@cultureconnectsa.com or WhatsApp/Text +27 (0)72 377 8014, at least an hour in advance but preferably much sooner.
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