Please join the Fish Hoek Valley Historical Association at their monthly event when Eddie Wesselo will give a talk on the Dutch ship Isselsteijn and the SA Navy Reserve Unit SAS Isselsteijn. The unit was granted the Freedom of Fish Hoek prior to its disbandment. Eddie was a former member of the unit and a former Officer Commanding.
On 29 May 1671 the Dutch ship Isselsteijn anchored in False Bay looking for fresh water and cattle for meat. It had left Texel, in the Netherlands on 8 January 1671 and had run out of supplies. The Isselsteijn was a fluyt, a merchant ship of Dutch design with a narrow round stern designed to carry cargo as cheaply as possible as some European ports taxed ships on the beam size of the vessel. Having found water, but no cattle, they sent a message to the Castle asking for supplies. There is some doubt as to exactly where they anchored; Fish Hoek and Simon's Town both claim the honour.
Date: Thursday 10 May 2018.
Time: 17h45 for 18h00 til 19h00.
Venue: Fish Hoek Library Hall.
Cost: Members R10; non members R20.
Beverages and snacks: will be available.
Books and Maps: Various books, maps and commemorative envelopes will be on sale.
For further information: Please contact the Marketing Secretary via
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