It is saddening to read about the views expressed by the Leader of the Black First Land First (BLF) Andile Mngxitama in the Citizen’s website that was published on 22 February 2017. He feels that South Africa “should not be celebrating the black soldiers who perished in the SS Mendi as heroes. These were men ready to die for the British crown but not willing to form an army to free the black nation”.
The SS Mendi, a British ship that collided with another and sank in the English Channel on February 21 1917, claiming 607 lives of the South African Native Labour Corps, heading for World War 1 in aid of Great Britain, is now heritage.
It is important not to view this incident narrowly and accord it face value interpretation. We will be committing a grave human error to relegate the incident and the lost lives to an act of betrayal as Mngxitama seems to suggest.
There are families who are still grieving and did not find closure for the loss of their fathers. It is offensive and insensitive to hold a view that the act of the men who died on the SS Mendi was insignificant in the history of the world and the heritage of South Africa.
“The sinking of the SS Mendi and the brave conduct of the African troops on board was a source of considerable pride and inspiration to Africans in South Africa throughout the 20th century, especially when the harsh realities of racial oppression began to bite.
“Understanding the complex reasons why Africans chose to participate in the war is also important for us today. These men were not ‘collaborators’ but people seeking to find space within the prevailing system in the hope that be displaying loyalty to Britain they could win greater political freedom”, say Adv. Sonwabile Mancotywa the CEO of the National Heritage Council of South Africa.
The NHC believes that, together with the nation, the history of the SS Mendi is one of the country’s most important heritages. The men who died will therefore be recorded as heroes.
Issued by: The National Heritage Council (NHC) of South Africa
Contact: Danny Goulkan (Communications Manager), 012 348 1663/ 072 952 2260/
Linda Shilakwe, (Communications Officer), 012 348 1663/084 597 8881
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